Work Experience - Caterpillar

Supply Chain Data Engineer

Building in the Cloud and learning to show insights with data → January 2023 - Present

Key Project: Hierarchy Jobs Run Time

Our system creates an entire top-down hierarchy of the company's supply chain, laying out which component parts make up a top-level part - from a mining truck all the way down to nuts & bolts & screws. I led the development team to implement a series of enhancements that took the main job's total run time from 170 hours to under 5 hours. This was accomplished by refactoring our Graph Database model and scaling infrastructure during peak periods.

Supply Chain Hierarchy
Key Project: Data Quality Mousetraps + Monitoring Dashboards

Created data quality checks throughout the ETL process that caught known data issues and automatically created and assigned a ticket based on issue type & the data's source system. Developed PowerBI dashboards to visualize our Supply Chain data, make the errors public, and help monitor for significant variance in the data.

PowerBI Report

System Admin & Support Lead

A crash-course in high-speed development lifecycle, production support, and leadership → June 2020 - December 2022

Key Project: MTTR End User Support Metrics Green

Reduced total Incident ticket count from over 400 to less than 100, and raised our ‘MTTR’ metric (how many tickets are resolved in less than 5 days/3 days/2 hours, based on priority) from 64% in 2021 to 81% in 2022.

PowerBI Report
Key Project: Tax & AP Systems API Integration

Developed an API integration to catch errors before invoices are exported and add AP/Tax team members to an approval flow rather than dealing with issues in the accounting systems.

Coupa API Diagram

QA Lead - Global SaaS Deployment

Running System Integration and User Testing to scale a SaaS purchasing system across the world → January 2019 - May 2020

Key Project: Testing Automation & Global UAT & SIT cycles

Automated 40+ regression test scripts, so we could test all of our integrations with the ‘push of a button’ whenever Coupa released an upgrade.
We did all UAT testing onsite in 2018-2019 working face to face with coworkers in India, France, Mexico, and many other places to understand their unique needs.

PowerBI Report

PPE Vending Software Support

Running System Integration and User Testing across the Globe → June 2018 - December 2022

Key Project: On-prem infrastructure and managing a factory floor application

Remediated over 2,200 vulnerability tickets across 300+ vending machine devices. We did this by running scripts to target specific weaknesses (mostly to fix weak encryption methods and remove outdated software) and by recommending the replacement of old machines that could no longer take Microsoft upgrades/patches and putting machines on a weekly reboot schedule so upgrades consistently took.


Education, Other Jobs, and Certificates

Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Informatics

Indiana University → August 2014 - May 2018

Undergraduate Instructor

Indiana University School of Informatics and Computing → January 2016 - May 2018

While attending IU I worked as one of several undergrad instructors for the Intro to Programming class that taught students basic to intermediate Python skills. During lab we helped students that were stumped on exercises - we were urged to never directly give someone an answer, but get them to understand the logic and how to solve it themselves. Outside of class we held office hours and graded coding assignments.

Crew Worker

→ August 2013 - December 2015

In my first job I was asked to cook grilled chicken/steak/etc. subs for customers. We also cleaned the restaurant attended to customers in the most pleasant manner possible. This taught me some core principles such as work-ethic, timeliness, and working with a diverse group of coworkers.